Friday, March 2, 2012

Week 2 of practicum

Another week has passed. I conducted my first lesson with 1243B and 1241B/1242A today. 1243B will be my first civics class when I return in July. The introduction and icebreakers went well as they took to the toilet paper game pretty quickly and began sharing in accordance with the number of squares they possess.

For 1241B/ 1242A, I used the game of 2 truths 1 lie for ice breakers. Together with Nanda, we co-taught them and managed to give them a snippet of inference and evaluation through the game as the game required these skills to guess whether what the person is saying is actually a lie. I wanted to relate it more to the discipline of History but due to time constraint, I had to move on. However, Nanda did point out that when we embark on source based at a later stage, it would be good to revisit it to relate it back to the discipline.

For both classes, I also managed to cover the introduction of the TACT framework to them in the process. However, a make-up session has to be carried out for each class as they are both behind by one tutorial. Essentially, I have several learning points with regards to today’s lessons.

First, I need to be continuously aware and sensitive to the students’ confidence and motivation levels. As they were asking me questions about my educational background when I was introducing myself, I was hesitant about sharing my JC background. When I related my prelim score of 12 points as low, I could tell from the response that 12 points was pretty high for some, if not most of them. I quickly redeemed the situation that it was from the perspective of RJC. Hence, this taught me to really be cautious and aware of the phrases and words I use as well as how I package these topics to them so as not to hit any raw nerve. I felt that I managed to salvage the situation by sharing with them how RJC was like but shifted the emphasis to my primary school experience which they could relate more to.

Second, I need to continously let them do group and collaborative work. Throughout the introduction of TACT, I had a constant worry of whether the students could understand what I was driving at and whether I should incorporate any collaborative learning strategies to encourage deductive learning. However, fortunately, the questions and participations by both classes showed that most of them managed to grasp the concept and my worries were unfounded. That being said, I still need to incorporate more collaborative strategies for future topics that are more feasible. I also need to continously remind myself to pick on their brains more, to utilize each participation and discussion as a point of learning and teaching. When students participate, they also tend to engage in deductive learning when we probe them with more insightful questions. I will have to learn to cope with the constraint of time as well as encouraging this process.

Third, I also note that it is vital to show the students the objectives of the lesson so that they know what they are supposed to learn and master by the end of it. This would facilitate their learning and help them to understand the rationale behind the activities and content behind the tutorials.

The past week has been a fulfilling and rewarding time teaching and interacting with the students. I had the opportunity to get to know my future form class better and also my first chance at teaching the J2H1 class.

Classroom Management

I haven’t had any major issue with regards to classroom management thus far. I am thankful that the students have been largely cooperative and are willing to participate whenever I question them or invite them up to present. Only with my own future form class did I have a minor issue with. They came into their make-up tutorial 10 minutes later than the stipulated time. That forced me to scold them severely, letting them know the gravity of the situation. I was actually glad that I was harsh with them for I found out, during civics class, that it was their second time in three days being late for class. Nanda continued the lashing at them and I actually felt bad for the class as they had to go through multiple scoldings. However, I also recognized the necessity in enforcing the ground rules so that the students do not become complacent or take advantage of the teacher.

Words can be empty and efforts can be futile. However, it may be a good start and platform to work from when the students themselves came over to apologize to the teachers. I was cognizant of the fact that such an issue was not the most serious I have ever experienced. No doubt, my own experience in teaching is humble and few but the worst one I have had was one who challenged my authority in open defiance. As far as I am concerned, this was a featherweight issue in comparison. Indeed, it has been a smoothsailing start for class manangement thus far.

Lesson Plan/ Strategies/ Pedagogies

I do appreciate how my tutor in NIE drilled us frequently, overtly and painfully. The skills and knowledge acquired in planning lessons have come easier when we have to conjure a lesson, pitched at a suitable level for each and every class. I had the opportunity to teach classes with varying abilities and having to alter my pace for each of them.

I also learned that the J2s needed different strategies especially when they are H1s. Their approach towards history is more lacklustre. That demonstrates the amount of importance they tag to the H1 subject. While I am expecting them to deliver the results when it matters, it is not without much cajoling and coaxing on my part. It is a learning curve that I am embarking on and after receiving some advice and stories from Nanda, it is going to be an interesting one. While strategies and pedagogies remain similar, they are still a science-oriented bunch, different from an arts class. It will be interesting as I go along discovering more ways and means to get more out of them.


One thing I am very grateful for is the chance to be able to head to Bintan with the J1s for their adventure camp. I have heard good stories and reviews of the experience and that it provides a fantastic avenue for class bonding. It is also very encouraging to see that the school devotes a lot of its resources in organizing these trips that are very beneficial for the students. It has only been two weeks but it has

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